- Apr. 24
- Richard Parker
10 Tools To Help You Top Up Your Finances This Year
When it comes to finance, it’s safe to say that you’re always going to want to ensure that you are doing what you can to stay financially prosperous. But a lot of the time, this can feel like a distant dream. You don’t always know what you can do to turn your financial situation around. However, this isn’t something that should ever stop you. Because the fact that you want to do something about your situation is going to help you. The desire to increase your finances and work on your current situation is usually all you need. The rest can be learned. If you didn’t have the drive or desire to change your situation, it wouldn’t matter if you had all of the right tools at your disposal – you wouldn’t use them anyway!
So when it comes down to it, you just need the tools to have you make a change. And by tools, we’re not talking about physical tools or even really equipment (although this is true in some cases), but the ideas that you need and the paths you need to follow in order to make a change. No matter how hard you want something, unless you know how to make things happen, you won’t be able to make a change. So now, it’s time for you to take some very important tools and get to work. Let’s talk through ten different things that are going to help you to top up your finances this year.
#1: Set Goals
It might seem strange, but this first one is probably the most important of all. Because when it comes to being able to change your life and increase the amount that you earn, you need to have direction. It’s never really enough to just think about wanting more money and then hoping for the best. Instead, if you want to really increase the amount that you earn, you have to set financial goals for yourself. Ideally, they will cover off the ways that you will increase your income as well as the amounts. So let’s consider a few avenues you can explore to do that.
#2: Speak To Your Lawyer
One of the first things you can think about doing is speaking to your lawyer. If you know that you could be owed money, then find the right solution such as https://www.caseyshomolaw.com/west-palm-beach-car-accident-lawyer/ to help you. Although you don’t want to have to be in a situation like this, if you are, then you’re going to want to go down this route first. After all, you’ll always want to cover off all of your options.
#3: Learn A New Skill
Next, you’re going to want to focus on things that can boost your resume. Because when you want to top up your finances, you’re always going to want to look at your paycheck first. A lot of the time, you need a reason to be able to earn more money. So constantly looking to work on your experience or learn new skills is a good option for you.
#4: Speak To Your Boss
At the same time, it’s always a good idea to speak to your boss. Let them know that you want to work for a promotion if it’s available. Then, you may be able to work on a promotion plan like https://www.forconstructionpros.com/construction-technology/personnel-management/article/10294501/creating-a-plan-for-employee-promotion with actionable steps to make this happen.
#5: Start A Side Hustle
From here, you’re then going to want to think about what you can do on the side. Because there’s always a side hustle available for you to earn some extra cash with. If you can make something or sell a service, start there.
#6: Start A Blog
Next, you could always think about starting a blog. Because it’s very real and possible for you to make money blogging. If you love to write or create and you have a topic that you’re passionate about, all you need to do is get started. There is a lot of space for everyone on the internet and you’ll always be able to find your audience if you’re willing to put the time in.
#7: Try Passive Income Sources
From here, you’re then going to want to look at some of the passive income sources that could work out for you. While some of them will be relevant to your blog, you won’t need a blog in order to generate passive income. Just take a look at some of these options https://wellkeptwallet.com/24-great-passive-income-ideas/ to figure out what might work out best for your lifestyle.
#8: Have A Clear Out
If you know that you’re someone who tends to collect lots of different bits and pieces, then you might like to think about having a clear out. This is often an immediate way to top up your cash. Because why sit on all of those bits and pieces that you have when you can list them for sale and make some money instead?
#9: Rent Out Your Home
And did you know that you can rent out your home too? Whether you have a spare room or a spare storage space for rent, or even if you just want to rent the entire place out on somewhere like Airbnb every so often, you can make some extra money relatively easily.
#10: Start Investing
And finally, you’ve also got the option to invest. Technically, this is a type of passive income – but it’s also the one that most people will recognize the most. Investing is something that’s been around for a while, and will be a great way for you to increase your income, even as a beginner. As long as you’re cautious to begin with and start off with smaller amounts, you should find your feet with making money this way in no time at all.
Some wise words Richard. I am hoping to begin with my first investment in a few weeks’ time, but I’d like to think that I will continue to invest once I’ve got the hang of it. I wish others would promote this topic, rather than encourage scaremongering.
Glad you’ve mentioned that Mika. Sometimes its mere caution, however, this often ignores the fact that many of us who invest this way are adults and entirely responsible for our finances. Building a portfolio is hard work but altogether possible.
I second this Mika. I’m on my third property and though its hard, the rewards are well worth my time. Richard, we need more information like this which concentrate on taking further real estate investments on!
Thank you, Mary. I’m sensing this is a topic not often found elsewhere. May have to get you and Mika to offer an article showcasing your experience!