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  • Aug. 15
  • Richard Parker

5 Reasons Why You Aren’t Gaining Career Satisfaction Yet

As you scroll through Instagram on your morning commute to work you are overwhelmed with young, rich business men and women who have done amazing things with their lives so far. You can only dream about being this successful with your business, but it is taking a while to get there. You haven’t always been the most patient person in the world, but this whole ‘success’ thing would be appreciated sooner rather than later. You want to gain career satisfaction right now and start feeling like you have a direction in your life. Here are five things that could be holding you back from achieving job success, so take note and make a change now.

#1: A Chequered Past

When you have made mistakes in the past then can often stick around and haunt you in the future. If you were accused of a crime you didn’t do, then you might want to explore the Criminal law process. Clearing your name will be one of the most beneficial things you will ever do and if you have a lawyer you can fight your corner, you will be more likely to come out on top. Having a clean record will give you more opportunities and people will respect you more in the business world.

#2: Lack of Experience

When you apply for a job you might get several knock backs due to lack of experience in the industry. In order to gain this type of hands-on experience you might need to work for free for a short time. If you can spare one day a week then it will give your CV a huge boost and it will give you more real life situations for you to talk about in interviews.

#3: No Passion

If you are going into a job simply because the money is good, then it is likely that you won’t last long or find any form of satisfaction from it. Make sure you accept a role that you are truly passionate about otherwise you will be back to square one as soon as you get bored of the job.

#4: Wrong Qualifications

You might be exploring the wrong jobs for expertise and qualifications, so try not to waste your time and only apply for roles that suit your degrees and educational paths.

#5: No Patience

Career success will never happen overnight so try not to be too hard on yourself. Be patient and allow everything to fall into place naturally; if you are following the right career path, putting in 100% effort and always going above and beyond to carry out your job you will soon find happiness.

You are told all the time that success and financial freedom takes a lot of hard work, time and effort. Make sure you don’t ignore this advice because it is absolutely true. Instead of wallowing in pity and self-doubt you need to address the things that holding you back and make a change once and for all. Once you have straightened out all of these bumps in the road, you will have a much smoother journey to career satisfaction and success.