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Personal Finance

The Occasions You Need to Rescue Your Money

On occasion, we’ve all let money slip through our fingers and avoided opportunities to fight for it because we were; too busy,

What Can We Do When Life Gets More Expensive with Every Passing Year?

When we look at life in our twenties, expenses don’t necessarily seem to matter, but as we enter into our thirties and

Mistakes to Avoid When Getting out of Debt

Debt is very easy to get into, but often tricky to get out of. It takes so much more than just paying

How to Save Money When Buying a Car

It can be very exciting when buying a car, but they can be very expensive purchases, and not everyone has a big

How Can Your Credit Score Impact Your Life?

When you reach eighteen and become an independent adult starting out in the world, money can be a bit of a minefield.

The Smallest Things Make the Biggest Difference

Saving money starts at home and while cutting down on buying expensive coffees might seem like it won’t save you a lot,

Fed up of Financial Fails? Here’s How to Master Money Management

When you’re young, you make a lot of mistakes, it’s just how things go. And most of the time, we can all

Are You Getting Ripped Off?

Let’s face it, one of the most important things for pretty much everyone is being able to save money wherever possible. Money

How Much Can It Really Cost to Drive a Car?

Driving a car is something a lot of people do in the modern day and age. Since the invention of the automobile

Chasing up Invoices? Here Is How to Survive While You Are Waiting

Freelancing has plenty of benefits. You can sit at home in your pants, on the couch watching trashy daytime TV while you