- Oct. 20
- Richard Parker
Is Your Company’s Online Presence Bringing the Results You Deserve
I’m not the only person who relies on their website to keep their business running in style. On the contrary, the transition towards the digital arena has happened over several years. And it has become even more noteworthy since the pandemic.
Spoiler alert: if your online presence isn’t in the condition it should be, your company will suffer.
Firstly, you must consider what should be included in a strong digital marketing strategy. I cannot emphasise the benefits of multichannel marketing enough. You will need a well-designed website, social media channels, and a presence across third-party sites.
Many companies will also want to consider launching an app. Likewise, those that sell products may want to start an eBay, Amazon, or Etsy store. The key is to find the outlets that suit your business model.
As well as considering your industry, you must think about your audience. Different demographics use different social media channels. For example, gen Z will be more inclined to use TikTok and visual sites. Conversely, millennials and boomers are more accustomed to Facebook.
Although if they’re anything like me, they secretly yearn for the days of MySpace.
Understanding your niche is vital as it allows you to tailor your content accordingly. Whatever the audience though, it’s crucial that you use industry-specific tactics to establish trust. An automotive online reputation management system, for example, can help dealers use the power of reviews. Likewise, it can include ad campaigns that work for dealerships.
At first, I was a little disheartened when my own campaigns and PPC ads only delivered limited results. When you learn to use the fact that consumers look for verified recommendations to your advantage, the results are amazing.
I doubt any of us will ever have the funds to partner with the world’s biggest social media stars. Still, teaming up with micro-influencers who share a similar audience to yours can work wonders. It brings increased awareness, traffic, and conversions. Perfect.
A winning mindset is the greatest tool at your disposal. A lot of business owners fall into the trap of chasing traffic and social media ‘likes’ alone. Those metrics do give some indication about how your campaigns are performing. Ultimately, though, it counts for very little without conversions.
As such, you must always focus on reaching the right audience. Keyword research and targeted paid ad campaigns will serve you well. For example, if you only need to reach your local audience, use geographic terms.
It’s also necessary to consider how people interact differently with the internet in the modern age. Voice search optimization and mobile search optimization will be key.
Finally, you must remember that your online presence means that the business is open to clients on a 24/7 basis. Therefore, you need to make yourself available to customers for quick responses. Launching an app can be particularly useful, especially when it incorporates instant messaging. Other tips include using a virtual receptionist.
With almost two billion sites online, I think it’s safe to say that only sites supported by the best strategies can survive. Still, when you get it right, the results will make it all seem worthwhile.
You’ve got this!