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Earning at Home When You’re Not at Home: The Passive Income Life

There are a lot of articles out there telling you how you can travel the world and work as a digital nomad. But what if you want to travel and earn money, without the work? Well, if this is the case, you need to give passive income a try.

Passive income is becoming a popular way for people to make money. So whether you’re pursuing your dream, or wanting to fund your adventures, it’s worth looking into.

Take a look at some of the following ideas to help you live the passive income life.

Start a Blog

While a blog requires some work, it’s more fun to write about your life and interests than it is to sit behind a desk in an office. Starting a blog is easier than ever, and it’s easy to stay up to date when you’re on the move. You can write posts on your phone, publish on planes and monitor your responses from the beach. There are different ways your blog can make passive income, including advertising space that can help you generate an income without having to be dedicated to your blog 24/7.

Sell an eBook or online course

Do you have knowledge or expertise that could benefit others? Then publishing an eBook or an online course could be a simple way to make some money. Word of mouth spreads with a good eBook, and once you’ve got the initial work out of the way, it’s simply a matter of waiting for those sales. Having a promotion strategy will help generate more interest in the product you’re selling, Use your social media channels to your advantage and watch those orders come in.

Invest in Property

Investing in property is a sensible and common way of making passive income. When you invest in real estate to rent, you can earn money to cover your mortgage and make some extra in the process. Investing in property is a smart move for the future, and it is a fantastic way to use your savings. As long as you’ve got tenants and someone to take care of them back home, you can enjoy making money on your investment wherever you are.

Become an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing has really taken off in recent years thanks to social media. You can become an affiliate quickly and easily, and use your social media accounts, website or blog to make the recommendations that others will lap up. Affiliate marketing can work for you with minimal effort, providing a boost to your income while you’re travelling.

While passive income can be a fantastic way to make money, it isn’t always as easy as it seems. You might want to look at other ideas for making money abroad, like learning to work from anywhere or trying out local work opportunities. With plenty of people able to earn a living while travelling, it’s a fantastic time to be able to enjoy the best of both worlds.