- Jul. 02
- Richard Parker
Earning Money While Living Sustainably
Have you ever considered living sustainably? Imagine growing your own crops, having a home poultry, a couple of heads of cows and goats, and more. It’s not the scenario for everyone, but it is definitely something that you could consider when you want to live without waste and without having to rely too much on what others sell.
The first thing that you’d probably think is that it would be impossible to earn a substantial amount while living sustainably. Afterall, you’re trying to minimize your footprint, so you’ll try to reduce anything wasteful, including the chance to earn extra money.
But that’s where you’re wrong. Living sustainably does not mean living frugally. It just means living within your means and making the most out of what you have, while minimizing damage to the environment and lessening the production of waste materials. You can totally earn a living with this lifestyle, especially now that more and more people are subscribing to it.
One of the ways you can do so is by keeping a poultry flock in your home. Yes, you heard that right. You’ll be raising chickens.
So how does raising chickens and living sustainably add up? And does it really lead to earning extra? For one, you’ll be able to maximize the potential of your property, especially if you have a substantial space that’s just left unused. Rather than living it empty, having a few chickens roaming free in the area would be better. You can raise poultry for meat, or keep them laying eggs. Both of these can be for personal consumption or for selling. It depends on how you scale your home flock, but with more heads of chicken, you’ll have more meat and eggs to harvest and sell.
But That’s Just Farming?!
You might be inclined to say that it’s not just living sustainably anymore, but farming, although on a smaller scale. But think about it for a second: you’re not giving up on other aspects of your life in order to focus on your home flock. You still keep your day job, run your regular errands, take care of your family, and more. Your home flock actually adds more value to your day-to-day activities, without having to sacrifice anything else that you’ve already been doing.
Common feeds you can create in your lawn are what chickens would eat in the wild: green plants, wild seeds, and creature sustenance, for example, worms and bugs — all fresher and more nutritious than anything you can purchase in a sack. You can also consider buying all-natural products for feed, which would save you time and effort preparing them. Your flock gets the same nutritional benefits, all thanks to the carefully planned and mixed grains and other natural products.
Obviously, few have the land and time assets to give your flocks regular sustenance enough to maintain them. That’s why it is important to have feeds to augment what nature and the environment supplies.
Wrapping It Up
Sustainable living is achievable if you have a clear goal and vision in your head. There are a lot of options to explore, and you won’t run out of brilliant ideas to consider. Having your own flock of chickens, for example, takes care of your meat and eggs needs in the future. You can have them grazing in your land all day, and they’re relatively easy to raise.