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Three Essentials Every Freelancer Must Invest In

There are a lot of advantages to working freelance. After all, we get to pick and choose the projects we work on. We don’t even have to deal with supervisors breathing down our necks, either! Of course, there are some counters to these positives as well. In particular, the fact that as freelancers, we need to take responsibility for our own working environment.

In fact, it is up to us to invest in the right equipment and items for our personal safety and to get the job done. A topic you can read more about below.

A Computer

Yes, that’s right, very few of us can survive without at least some type of computer as a freelancer. Whether that is a laptop, desktop, PC, or as is so frequent when freelancing in the creative arts a Mac.

Of course, such a device can be quite an investment, and it will all come out of your own pocket as there is no employer to foot the bill. With that in mind buying used and reconditioned can be a smart idea, as then you get the processing power you need, without the hefty price tag.

It’s also possible to look out for good deals in retail stores, as you will only be buying a single unit. Oh, and don’t forget that items like computer equipment can be claimed back on your tax expenses too. Something that can make them much more affordable for freelancers.

Your Desk Setup

Ergonomics is a vital aspect to get right at home or wherever you choose to work when you are a freelancer. Sadly, too many people think that any old chair and desk setup will do. Of course, if you are spending upwards of 7 hours at a desk each day, that is truly not the case.

To that end, investing in a supportive and comfortable mesh office chair is always a smart move. The idea being that the mesh allows air circulation, and keep you cool, will also support your lumbar during the working day.

Your desk also must be well matched for your needs as well. In particular, be sure to get one that sits, or can be adjusted to the correct height.

Remember to check that you can comfortably extend your legs under the desk as well. Something that means you may have to buy a deeper desk, but is well worth the investment because of the gains in comfort you make when you are spending the majority of your day in that position.

Recycle Bins

We may be helping to do our part for the environment by cutting out the commute every day, but there are still other vital actions we can take as freelancers in this area.

One of these is to invest in a set of recycling bins for your office. Something that will help you to ensure you are not wasting materials such as paper.

Of course, you may wish to make the investment in tech items, and go paperless entirely instead. Something that can help to save the environment, as well as save you money!