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Fast Fashion or Buying to Invest?

Fashion is more accessible than ever. Thanks to online shopping and more designer-inspired buys at salary-friendly prices, it’s becoming easier than ever to fill your wardrobe with fashion – any time of year.

But is fast fashion the right approach to your wardrobe? If you care about the environment, then the answer is no. Fast fashion is having a huge impact on the environment, and everyone from fashion bloggers to celebrities is now preaching the need to put an end to fast fashion.

The message is quite clear, reuse and wear what you have and when it comes to buying clothes, buy some investment pieces that will stand the test of time instead. Curious to understand the benefits? Read more about buying to invest and future-proof your wardrobe.

Why Is Fast Fashion Bad?

Fast fashion has become much more widely-discussed as people become more clued-up about environmental issues. It’s estimated that over half of fast fashion is thrown away within a year, which is filling landfills, as well as contributing to pollution through the production process. In as soon as 2050, fast fashion could contribute to a quarter of carbon production if things don’t continue.

There’s also a question of ethics. Many overseas workers aren’t paid a fair wage for clothes production, although more and more retailers are pledging to change their standards.

The majority of fast fashion items are produced to keep up with current trends, but could a more classic approach to style be better, as well as more affordable in the long run?

Switching to Investment Pieces

Making the decision to move away from fast fashion and embracing higher quality clothing can be a smart move both for the environment and your finances.

Building a capsule wardrobe and focusing on clothing that is well made can help you create a more sophisticated, timeless style that is less trend-lead and instead focuses on clean lines, nicer fabrics and clothes that are tailored to you. While many of these items come with a higher price tag, you’ll be buying clothes less often and getting a lot more wear out of them than through fast fashion items. Investment pieces don’t necessarily have to be designer, many fashion brands are now focusing on releasing pieces that are simply made from sustainable sources, of a higher quality and built to last.

There are some essential items that every man should have in their wardrobe that can help you establish great style without having to resort to fast fashion.

A Wardrobe That’s Unique to You

Avoiding fast fashion opens up other possibilities when it comes to your clothing. You can buy special, unique items from that are made using carbon – a perfect statement piece for your wardrobe. You can also have fun browsing for vintage items that will ensure your pieces are like nobody else’s.

If you’re looking to make greener choices, or make simple savings, then changing your approach to fashion can be one of the small things that make a big difference. Could your fashion choices help save you money in the long run? Why not challenge yourself to shop smarter today?