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  • Jan. 12
  • Richard Parker

Finding a Career That Comes With a Ladder

Ok, so in case you are a little confused by the title of this post, we shall start by saying that this post is not going to be about finding a career as a window cleaner. When we say finding a career with a ladder, we, of course, mean jobs that offer a lot of progressions.

In this post, we are going to be looking at some of the best careers out there for progression and also why you may want to consider doing them. Hopefully, by the time you have reached the conclusion of this post, you will be able to see a little clearer where you want to be with your brand new career.

Why Careers With Progression?

For most people, one of the most important choices they will ever make is going to be their career, and they will often want to choose one with plenty of opportunities.

While some people are content with doing the same role for their entire working life, most people will often feel as if they are starting to stagnate after a couple of years. If you fall into the latter category, then you should look at career paths that offer a ladder with plenty of rungs to climb.

Why You Need to Progress

To put things as simple as possible, progression is a natural part of life, and should you want the best for yourself and your family; it just makes sense to set your expectations quite high and then aim for the sky.

If you find yourself doing a job that seems to serve only to make you unhappy after a while, it’s probably because it’s not posing you any real challenge. While it may not be the job itself that is making you unhappy, you may find that it’s a lack of pay or a lack of things to do.

Once you have reached this point, it is important to sit down and draw up and action plan of what you really want. Maybe you are in your chosen industry, but you just need a little extra something to make the role exciting once more, if this is the case, then you need to progress.

You will find that once you see yourself climbing the corporate ladder, there will be a lot of light at the end of the tunnel, and you will feel a lot happier about the role you are in.

The final reason you will find yourself needing to progress is that the cost of living is always climbing, and you want to live comfortably. While the job role you are in may suit you and you may be happy, you should be asking yourself if this level of happiness is balancing out with your home life and allowing you to live the best life possible. If not, then maybe it’s time to get out there, grab that promotion and start building a better life for you and your family.

How to Progress

When it comes to the question of how you can progress in your role, this will often come down to the expectations of your industry.

For example, if you work in a medical role, there will be certain requirements you will have to meet in order to progress to the next possible role on your career ladder. For you, this may not be the case.

In some job roles, it can simply be that you have to wait for a role to become available, apply for it, and then it becomes a case of convincing your boss that you are the right fit for the job.

The best piece of advice we can give, though, when it comes to progression, is to better yourself wherever possible. If the company offers training courses and guidance, get yourself onto those courses, and absorb whatever information you can.

Another great thing to consider is expanding your qualifications and education levels. There are many places you can study online such as Bradley University that provide a number of qualifications that will help you traverse what can sometimes be the minefield that is climbing the corporate ladder.


So, there you have it, hopefully, now you have reached the end of this post you can see the importance that is attached to progressing and just how much difference it can make to your life.