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5 Game-Changing Ways to Promote Your Startup

Launching a startup business might feel like a tough feat, as you might lack the knowledge, experience, and reputation your larger rivals possess.

However, before you rule yourself out of an industry altogether, it’s important to realize that you offer a fresh, more modern approach to your industry, which could attract your sought-after customers.

If you want to dominate the market and become your target audience’s go-to brand, here are five game-changing ways to promote your startup.

A Referral Program

It is believed that 92% of consumers trust personal recommendations more than any other form of marketing. To increase your customer base and annual profitability, it is a smart idea to launch an attractive referral program.

It relies on your past customers to spread the good word about your brand to their friends and family, and they’ll receive a discount or product for every successful referral. It’s a quick and easy way to turn your budding business into a successful startup.

Attend Trade Shows

Even if you run an online business, you shouldn’t be afraid to go offline to improve your brand recognition.

For example, you can connect with influencers, consumers and potential business associates by attending various trade shows and conferences.

It’s an effective way to network in your industry, and you could even hand out swag bags to customers and influencers, encouraging them to share your products on their social media profiles using a hashtag.

Publish Guest Posts on Third Party Websites

Increasing your online visibility is essential when developing a startup company, as you will want to be the first brand a customer turns to when they’re in need of your goods or services.

To boost your presence in the search engines, consider publishing compelling blogs on trusted, third-party websites. For help sourcing and publishing high-quality guest posts on high-authority websites, visit

Generate a Buzz About Your Brand

If you want to grab your target demographic’s attention, you’re going to need to push your brand in front of them.

While your established rivals might have a solid online reputation and an extensive customer base, there is no reason why you cannot grab a share of the market. All you need to do is generate a buzz about your brand.

For instance, you might need to do something crazy, unique or heartwarming to secure headlines and enjoy free publicity.

Aim to be both creative and original to ensure every local or national paper wants to cover your story, which could increase your brand awareness overnight.

Offer a Gift with Every Product Ordered

Almost everyone loves a free product. Make sure a customer chooses your brand over a competitor by providing them with a gift with every product ordered.

While this might sound like a fast-track to bankruptcy, you could potentially factor in the cost when developing your price point.

Plus, the gift might be enough to convince a customer to purchase multiple items from your business, so you’ll receive a greater return on your investment.