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Why Investors Travel to the Caribbean When They Make It

According to a survey by Resonance Consultancy, the top five percent of Americans (as rated by their overall wealth), said that the Caribbean was their favorite destination. But why?

It turns out that the reasons are more interesting than you think. It’s not just the sun, sand, and sea that the region offers that attracts wealthy punters – it’s the whole package.

The Natural Wonders

The Caribbean offers stunning environments and ecosystems that you just can’t find in the rest of the world. Take the British Virgin Islands, for instance – a chain of more than sixty small islands towards the east of the region. Here you can find rock pools, wreck diving opportunities, and secluded and private beaches unavailable in Europe.

The Second Home Opportunities

It’s not just the beauty, though, that is attracting investors: it’s also the opportunity to grab a second home. Dominican Republic real estate is booming right now, thanks to investors looking for affordable ways to acquire holiday accommodation in the area. Bermuda sees a lot of interest, too, thanks to the fact that the island regularly plays host to the Americas Cup. Both David Bowie and John Lennon had homes here.

The Opportunities for Networking With People in High Places

If you want to move onwards and upwards in the world of work, you must mingle with the right people. Here, again, is another draw of the Caribbean for a lot of wealthy investors and businesspeople. Some spots are crammed to the rafters with wealthy patrons on holiday, looking for a brief escape from the troubles and toils of work.

Take St Barths, for instance. It is probably the most exclusive location in the region, offering world-class places to stay, such as the Le Cheval Blan and the Hotel Le Toiny. In many ways, the island is a benchmark for what other locations used to offer vacationers. Despite the development, the island remains unspoiled. The high prices also keep away the legions of travelers who might otherwise flock to it, giving the wealthiest a paradise that they can enjoy unmolested.

The Ability to Get Away From It All

While the Caribbean offers some spectacular tourist destinations, it remains one of the least developed parts of the world. Native islanders have primarily kept to their traditional way of life (except for catering to the tourist trade). No big factories are blighting the landscape and wrecking the view.

Perhaps the least developed yet tourist-friendly island in the entire region is St Kitts and Nevis. While this small Caribbean country has beautiful accommodation, it is famous for not having a single street light. Staying here is like spending a week on a genuine tropical island, far away from the maddening crowds.

So hopefully, you can see why the investors love the Caribbean and why they choose to spend their time there once they reach their financial goals. It offers practically everything, from fun, sun, sea, sand, and, importantly, tranquility. It’s a place where you can get away from the mania of the big city.