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What to Do If You’ve Been Involved in a Workplace Accident

As you prepare for another week at work, the last thing on your mind is that you’ll be involved in any sort of accident. Although many are well aware that accidents can happen, people rarely believe that they will be the ones to fall victim. While accidents are rare and are not worth spending time fretting over, it’s important to know what to do if you’re involved in one.

Depending on your occupation, you may be more or less likely to have an accident at work. Certain jobs are dangerous by nature and account for thousands of deaths and accidents every year. Fishing, roofing, aircraft engineering, and logging are often viewed as some of the most dangerous professions.

It must be noted that many workplace accidents occur in safe environments. Whether someone trips, falls, slips, or hurts themselves due to human error, it’s quite common for a serious incident to occur unexpectedly. If you, a family member, or a friend are unlucky enough to be involved in a workplace accident, here are six steps to take from the moment the mishap takes place.

Assess and Treat Your Injury

Your safety is the most important thing when you’ve had an accident. Your first step should be to assess your injury and to have emergency first aid applied if necessary. Don’t move or try to walk too quickly. Take your time and determine the seriousness of your injuries.

If you require assistance, call out to a colleague or passerby. Don’t take any unnecessary risks and call an ambulance should you need immediate medical aid.

Record Your Account of the Accident

It’s vital that you document your account of the incident as quickly as possible. As soon as you are fit and able, write down or record a voice note detailing every aspect of what happened. If possible, take photos or videos of any evidence or accident-related items. Take contact details of eye-witnesses.

If you aren’t capable of doing any of the above, request that a colleague do so on your behalf.

Get Assessed by Your Doctor

You must get a professional medical assessment from your doctor to validate the extent and legitimacy of your injuries. People often experience delayed symptoms when they’re involved in accidents so you must prioritize this.

Track Your Medical Costs

Keep receipts and proof of all medical costs associated with your accident and the resulting injuries, including appointments and medication bills. If you plan on making a future claim, it’s important to have a record of your expenses.

Get Legal Help

Workplace accidents can cause significant injuries and lead to stress and mental health issues. It’s vital that you seek help and advice from personal injury law firms to ensure that you’re appropriately compensated. Although you may not want to sue your employer, it might be the best thing to do in your scenario.

Take Action

Depending on the advice you receive from your legal team, you may have a number of options on what to do. If you decide to pursue legal action, get the necessary documents in order, and work through each step until you’re rightfully compensated.