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6 Key Savings Your Construction Team Could Be Making

When it comes to creating a much more cost effective company, finding waste is where you will also find opportunities to cut costs. However, in the construction industry, there are so many opportunities for loss it can be hard to narrow them down. So here, we’re going to take a closer look at seven key areas in which you could be making real savings.

Work to Keep Your Team

One of the most sources of inefficiency in the construction industry is just how the team is organized. First of all, relying solely on subcontractors can quickly become much less cost-effective than onboarding some permanent staff. If you do have staff, make sure you do what you can to make them a good investment. You can do this by first looking at the causes of staff turnover and reducing them however you can. Then you make them more productive and efficient by making sure they’re trained in multiple duties and thus able to work flexibly to your needs as the project demands.

Finding the Right Partners

It pays to create healthy relationships with contractors and suppliers. Instead of constantly finding new subcontractors, find those that you can rely on, whether it’s for scaffolding, electrical work, or something else entirely, and build a good rapport and working relationship with them. This way, you may be able to negotiate a deal that benefits you both in the long run. They can benefit by knowing that they will get a steadier stream of work from you, you can benefit from the discount that they might be willing to discuss once you’ve built that relationship.

Cut Those Waste Disposal Costs

One of the most crucial areas that demands you take a good look at who you work with is in waste disposal. Construction waste can take a surprisingly high portion of the total costs on the average construction site. Make sure you account for waste disposal as a separate cost and do what you can to reduce waste. Finding the right construction waste company to help you get rid of it at the most affordable rate is important, as well. Still, you may find that it only takes a few steps to reduce the amount of waste produced on site, so that’s always the best and first place to start.

Consider Cutting the Vehicle Fleet

Of all the assets in the business, the vehicles are going to be the largest recurring costs of all. Now, if there are vehicles that you use for every job or almost every job, then you’re going to be much more cost-effective buying them rather than leasing them, providing you maintain them well enough to extract as much value from them as possible. When it comes to vehicles you use much less frequently, however, you should consider arranging a sale and working with a construction vehicle specialist who can lease them to you on an as-you-need-it basis, instead.

Replace Your Technology When You Need To

There is wisdom in getting as much use out of a tool as you can before replacing it, to extract as much value as you can, too. However, with tech, the longer you use it, the more inefficient it becomes until it could actually be costing you more than it should to use it. Take a look at the current tech you’re using and see if any replacements could help you speed up operations and reduce your loss. Take a closer look into green tools, as well, which can help you save a lot over the period during which you use it, as well. Efficiency and cost-effectiveness are very much linked.

Identify Delay Risks Early

Both delays and scope expansion can result in much greater costs for your team. If they’re left out of the estimate, you aren’t going to make any profit when you have to add the costs to the overall project budget. Instead, you just spend more, reducing the overall profitability of the job. Make sure you’re using great construction project management software to help you identify the aspects of the project that could lead to a delay or to the scope of the job getting bigger. Look over past jobs to see what has caused you to delay a project in the past, as well. You may be able to identify trends you can better prepare for.

Hopefully, the points above help you find the opportunity to cut costs in your construction business, helping you make more profit, as well as the chance to offer more competitive quotes to your clients.