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Making Your Office a Workable Environment

Have you ever confronted the issue of office wellbeing? Your employees are working in the office for 8-plus hours 5 days out of the week. That’s a lot of time to spend sitting at a desk, going to meetings and talking by the watercooler. Well, that last one might not be true, but nonetheless, your employees are most likely in your office for a lot longer than they are in their own homes.

The journey to and fro also takes up time. In essence, the modern office should be a workable environment and the only way to do this is to make it more livable. A few desks and chairs, together with some computers doesn’t make an office a great place to work. Consider all these things to make your business more respected by employees.

Dedicated Desks

Do you know what happens when employees don’t feel like they have a reliable space to work in? They become less attached to their work environment. If you were given a different desk or office space to work in every other day, you would feel unappreciated. You’d also feel as if the office doesn’t hold any ‘home’ feeling. It’s in human nature to want a familiar routine, to ‘own’ the space you work in. Create dedicated desks for your employees. In this modern-day work culture, it’s encouraged that you have desks with wheels so they can be moved around and shifted into different spaces. That’s okay for some, but having dedicated desks, give some authority to those workspaces. This is especially vital for your managers and key department project teams.

Monitored Safety

Most likely, your office is in a commercial high-rise. That means that you have a floor(s) or perhaps a portion of a floor. Some companies that lease office space will take care of all the safety concerns for you. Others will want you to hire and use your own services. One way to give your employees peace of mind is, implementing an IoT strategy. Take, for example, the IoT applications from Xibis. They have products that will monitor your servers, machines, networks, and devices. Your computers, smartphones, and tablets will all be monitored for safety and security. You can use IoT for office safety as well, such as monitoring fire alarms, air conditioners, etc. Utilizing their microcontroller, they can monitor all of these things from their remote locations.

Open Access to Management

Usually, management has their own offices and employees have to knock on their door or book a timeslot to have a meeting. However, this does create a barrier that can make employees hesitant to ask something important. So, giving a dedicated desk to all management staff, that is part of the open office floor gives employees better access to their superiors. When ideas and questions can free-flow, it makes for a more workable environment that will only help your business to thrive.

There are multiple ways you can create a more livable and workable environment for your employees. Start off with monitored safety, putting your employee’s security fears at ease.