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Planning a Big House Move

For most of us, buying a home is a long-term goal. It’s rarely something that we can just go out and do on a whim. But, even with years of preparation, buying a house is still stressful, time-consuming, and often overwhelming. If you are thinking about buying your first home in the New Year, here are some tips to help you plan.

Find the Right House

Perhaps the most exciting step of the whole process is finding the right home. Viewing. Bellriver Homes show properties can give you a great idea of what you are looking for in a home, and it’s always a good idea to have a list of the things that you would like from your new home and the area that it is in. This list should be divided into things that are deal-breakers, which you are unwilling to compromise on, and things that you’d like, but would be willing to live without.

When looking for the right house, you should take the time to check out the local area, looking at schools and amenities, healthcare practices, and local shops, but also trying to get a feel for the atmosphere of the area and the kinds of people that live there.


Buying a house is a huge commitment. It’s a big financial responsibility, it takes up a lot of your time, and it can take a long time to settle. You might have to change jobs or schools and make other changes to your lifestyle. It’s certainly not something that you want to do too often. So, it’s worth double-checking. Don’t just view a house once and make an offer. View other properties so that you can compare, ask the agent and seller questions, and give yourself time to think.

Assess Your Finances

When it comes to buying a house, your financial situation is a big consideration. Money is often what puts us off, and saving to buy a home can take a long time. Before you start to seriously consider buying property, you should spend some time assessing your finances, creating a future plan, and looking into your options. Sometimes, it’s worth waiting a while while you improve your financial situation.

Avoid Strict Deadlines

Buying a house rarely goes to plan. Surveys and conveyancing, as well as other legal steps, can take a lot longer than you might expect, even when things go well, which they rarely do. There’s bound to be hiccups along the way, especially if three’s a chain involved. So, avoid setting yourself strict deadlines, as they will only increase your stress.

Start Packing Early

That said, once you’ve had an offer accepted, there are things that you can do to make the move easier when the time comes. Start packing items that you don’t need, or won’t need until after the move. You might even want to put some boxes, and large furniture into storage to give yourself more space. You can also be writing lists of things that you need to do, and people that you need to tell about your change of address.