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How to Prepare Your Company for the 24-Hour Business Cycle

If you think factory workers and powerplant operators are the only ones pulling double shifts through the night, then you’re in a dream world. Today, businesses must be open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, because it’s what customers demand. Globalization and a societal shift mean consumers don’t have time for companies that operate during regular consultation hours. It’s not as if the depth of competition helps, either.

To be successful in 2020, you’ve got to be available for as long as possible. Of course, it’s not as straightforward as drinking ten cups of coffee and taping your eyes open. Specific policies need to be in place to ensure there is someone, or something, on hand to put out fires as and when they occur.

Continue reading to find out more about the steps you can take to make sure your business is prepared to trade past 6 pm.

Lean on Technology

Thank God for technology. Where would the industry be without it? The answer is, ‘in a pretty dark place!’ For one thing, it reduces overheads. For another, it improves productivity. And, last but not least, it’s accessible and affordable. However, these aren’t the most impressive traits of tech. The one that you should incorporate the most is its ability to work around the clock.

A website, for instance, doesn’t have to stop trading when the last employee clocks out in the evening. With an eCommerce platform, you can continue to take orders and fulfil them the next day. All you have to do is choose a quality platform, and stagger your shipping policies. Add chatbots to the mix, and you’ve got a tool that can sell and provide information, adding value regardless of the time or date.

By investing in the correct hardware and software, there’s no reason for HR to get involved. Remember that advertising on Google Maps is a fantastic option, too. Then, the brand will be visible regardless of location, boosting awareness of the business.

Split Shifts

Sometimes, artificial intelligence isn’t powerful enough to do the job alone. It requires a physical presence to keep it on the right track, and to foresee any potential bugs. Therefore, you’re going to want to have people on-site at all times in case a problem appears out of nowhere. When it comes to data security and breaches, it’s not as if it can wait until the morning. The longer you’re vulnerable, the more damage it will do to the company.

Yes, this means employing technicians who can react; however, it also means you need to split shifts. Getting people to work day and night shifts will enable you to keep a person on the premises, whether it’s to stop physical threats or digital ones. The problem is that productivity can take a hit when they are tired and nobody is around to supervise. As a result, it’s essential to cap night working to eight hours and to try and prevent consecutive night shifts. Aside from output, the latter is excellent for health and safety as the odds of injuries increase by 36% by the fourth evening.

Working nights isn’t appealing, so you might have to sweeten the deal during the application process.

Employ Remote Workers

A chair and desk are obsolete nowadays. Okay, they might not be extinct, but these staples of workplaces are nowhere near as vital as in the past. Why? It’s because of the rise of remote working, which has added more flexibility. From a twenty-four-hour point of view, it’s a tool that you should consider carefully.

Employing reps in other countries with varying time zones allows you to fill in the gaps. It’s 9 am somewhere in the world! As long as they have an internet connection and a clear directive, these digital nomads will be able to represent the company while everyone else is in bed. And, the benefits don’t stop there because remote working adds flexibility, reduces overheads, and increases independence.

So, there’s more than one reason to throw out the office furniture!


Of course, there’s no reason for you to start up the recruitment machine again when you can outsource. Picking a company in another country that you trust means you can focus on crucial areas of the company while your external partner deals with shift patterns. Outsourcers will cater to businesses regardless of the task, from emergencies to the point of contact.

Hiring correctly is essential. There is plenty to focus on, but a feature you shouldn’t gloss over is their ability to speak English. If it’s difficult for customers to interact, they’ll put the phone down, and the incident will reflect poorly on the business.

Now you understand what it takes, are you ready to open all hours?