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3 Things You Need to Know Before Setting up a Construction Company

Are you interested in starting a construction business? Cool, you’re making a pretty bold move. When they work well, construction companies will bring in an awful lot of money. The trick to making them work is knowing what to expect before you set yours up. Here are a few things you need to be aware of.

Equipment Costs

All construction companies need to have some sort of equipment. Think about all the building you’ll do and all the materials you need to move around your site. You’re going to need a range of equipment to get the job done. Needless to say, this will cost a fair bit of money. As such, you should ensure you figure out the equipment costs before you go ahead and start your company. It might work out cheaper if you rent the equipment instead of buying it all outright. Perhaps there are some things you can purchase – but rent the rest. Work out the rough costs by comparing quotes, and it’ll give you an idea of how much money you’ll need. Too many people forget about these costs when starting their construction business. As a result, it leads to them either not being able to get equipment, or settling for below-par items.

Health & Safety Rules

Obviously, with a business like this, there will be increased risks. So, you have to understand all the health & safety rules that come with a company like this. That means you have to know what equipment your team has to wear, what you need to do to make your construction sites safe, and the penalties for failing to abide by the regulations. The rules vary depending on where you conduct your business, but it’s almost always essential that you have a safety manager on site. If you can’t find anyone with the right qualifications or training to fill this role, then send them on a 40 hr site safety manager class. Just like that, you’re got a site safety manager to ensure that all the health & safety regulations are met and abided by! Fail to follow these rules, and there’s the risk that you’re hit with fines – as well as damaging your business reputation.

Raw Material Procurance

This fancy little sentence basically means; how will you get all your raw materials? Have you ever wandered by a construction site and thought about where they get all the bricks and materials from? You’ll usually have to look for builders merchants, which are companies that sell bricks and other materials to construction businesses. It’s always a good idea to find a supplier and stick with them. When you keep using the same supplier over and over again, you build a rapport with them. As such, you may see discounts in the future, and it’s easier to get the items you need as quickly as possible.

There are so many other things to consider, but these are three things you might not have thought about before. Obviously, don’t forget to market your company, seek out new customers, and hire a team of talented, skilled, and experienced individuals.