- Aug. 20
- Richard Parker
5 Things to Consider When Purchasing a New Property
When you move into a new home, it’s almost inevitable that the property will need some work doing to it. After all, no two families are identical, and you’ll need to tailor the space to suit your needs and preferences. This transformation process will take months, and possibly even years, to complete. Therefore, the workload must be suitably prioritised.
Your pre-purchase property surveys have probably given you a few pointers. In reality, though, you need to do what’s right for you. Most cosmetic jobs can wait until the next decorating cycle, especially as you’ll probably replace some of your furniture. As for these jobs below, though, waiting simply isn’t an option.
Security Issues
No property will truly feel like home until it makes your family safe. While internal matters will need attention too, keeping intruders at bay should be top of the agenda. Adding CCTV cameras and motion-detecting lighting will undoubtedly aid the cause. Most importantly, though, all potential entrance points should be safe and secure. Fitting a Yale cylinder lock will improve the doors. Combine this with the right window locking systems, and you won’t go far wrong. In addition to giving you those emotional securities, it should prevent the nasty episode that a burglary can bring. For the sake of both mental and financial health, getting this right is vital.
Structural Damage
A thorough property survey should have flagged up any fundamental issues as immediate jobs. Quite frankly, this is one area where the professionals are spot on.Faulty roofing, for example, puts everything below at risk. Meanwhile, you should know how to spot early signs of damp too. They might not be causing significant problems but, if left untreated, they can escalate. Treat those patches by finding ways to absorb the moisture, and ensure the air circulation is strong.
Meanwhile, you should ensure that the boiler and similar vital items have been properly serviced.
Lack of Detectors
Safety will always be the priority, and any jobs relating to this aspect cannot wait. Ultimately, preventing accidents is far easier than responding to them. Therefore, taking the necessary precautions is essential. Smoke alarms are inexpensive but could potentially save your life. Meanwhile, you should ensure that the home is fitted with a carbon monoxide detector. After all, this lethal gas cannot be detected by human senses. Even if your boiler has been recently serviced, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Depending on the size of the home, you may need more than one of each. Then again, knowing that your family will be safe is priceless.
Functional Items
It might be some time before you get around to buying the bigger TV or finding furniture to suit your living room colour scheme. Luxury products and items tailored to taste can wait, but anything functional should be sorted immediately. And it starts with fixing the HVAC. Some rooms provide greater functionality than others. The bathroom is arguably the top of the tree as you’ll be using it every day to make yourself feel more human. This can be especially crucial while the home undergoes those projects. Adding an aesthetic appeal in this room is key. Just remember that the toilet, bathtub, and shower are the key factors. The kitchen is another room that requires fast action. You might not need to update the appearance, but knowing that all equipment works as expected is vital.
Legalities and Insurance
When you move into a new property, there are lots of legalities to formalise to ensure your family are protected. Making a will is a good starting point, as property and assets can end up in probate if anything should happen. There is a range of professionals you can chat to including probate attorneys and advisers that will help make the process simpler. However, if there is no will in place, this can lengthen the process for your family.
Insurance is another aspect that needs sorting out for your property. Both content and structural protection should be obtained to give you peace of mind should the worst happen. This insurance protects your home, family and belongings, and gives you a backup if its ever needed. In some locations, you may struggle to get sufficient insurance. This could be due to the surrounding area conditions or acts of nature that cause regular damage. It’s best to shop around for a suitable provider, as it can get expensive depending on your needs.
These are just some of the things to consider when buying a new home. Covering these bases will give you extra peace of mind that you and your family are comfortable and secure in your new home so you can enjoy this new adventure.