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5 Tips for Designing a Productive Office Space

Office design may be the last thing on your mind. However, according to OPM.GOV, the average employee works approximately 2,087 hours every year, and most of this time is spent in the office. For this reason, you must think about how your office space impacts your team. If you have a traditional cubicle workspace, you need to create an environment where your employees can look forward to coming every morning.

Steps to Designing Your Workstation

Before you can design your office space, you have to understand what makes it unique. Identify what distinguishes you from your competitors and use this information to select the right details to include in your workspace. Below are some tips that will help you design a productive workspace.

#1: Create a Flexible Office Space

Some of your employees need quiet working spaces, while others prefer areas that allow easy collaboration. Therefore, consider your employee’s personalities and work styles and create a balanced office space.

#2: Create a Comfortable Shared Space

When designing your office space, you have to take into account common areas. Therefore, if you want a modern office space, ensure you build a collaborative working space that maintains a sense of transparency. Your employees can use this space for meetings and conferences.

#3: Allow Employees to Bring Their Personal Items

While you can visit for managed IT services to increase productivity. It would help if you also considered allowing your employees to bring their personal items to the office. This goes for clothing and office decorations. Be flexible enough to see your employees as individuals with their own unique identity and encourage them to bring their personality to their office spaces. This will help decrease their stress levels and make them feel more comfortable.

#4: Create a Unique Workspace

Your office space design should reflect your brand image. This means that it should cultivate the culture and identity of your business. You can start by branding your office with a logo and use colors that complement the identity of your business. A good example is how Google uses a color scheme that reflects its logo.

#5: Consider Windows and Lighting

According to a recent study by Harvard Business Review, lots of natural light can help increase both wellness and morale. Additionally, increasing natural light encourages the appearance of your office plants, which helps lower the level of workplace stress and boost productivity. Start by noting how much natural light your office is currently receiving, and if you need to make more use of it. You may want to position the desks in a way that they can receive more natural light.

If your office is windowless or it receives little natural light, you can make use of artificial lighting. You can use full-spectrum bulbs to mimic natural light. You can also use other natural elements to decorate your office to compensate for the lack of natural light. For example, you can use plants such as spider plants and ferns that can tolerate low light.

Design Your Office Space for Productivity

While there are several ways you can increase business efficiency, designing your workspace is a crucial element that can greatly impact the success of your business. Therefore, use the above tricks to create an office environment that can improve their performance.