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Urban Sprawl: 4 Considerations to Expanding Your Business Operation

One of the hallmarks of any successful startup is that they are able to upscale and expand to meet market demand. When you are at the point where you need to expand, what are the key points you need to take into account?

Expanding Into New Territories Effectively

You may not think that this would be a problem but marketing your existing services to new customers means that they can be in different niches or different locations. You have got to ask yourself if you are able to stay afloat in a new location. Research is obviously an approach to consider, but also think about the logistics of the operation. When we expand to meet the demands of a new location it could very well be further out than we’d anticipated. This means that we have to transition effectively. And not just in relation to moving, although there are resources like Transport Resources, Inc. that is purpose-built for businesses that need help moving, it’s also about ensuring the business doesn’t suffer when you expand to a new area. There are so many considerations at this point, like the culture of this new location as well as the economic viability.

Is It Time to Add New Products?

When a business expands it can be tempting to integrate new products and services to capitalize on the strengths of the business as it is now. But when we think about incorporating a strategy like this we have to consider the challenges. Market research will always help but when you are expanding your business common sense would dictate that you stick to your guns and use the approaches that have already made you successful. Branching out into new territories and different customers is a slow process that you should observe carefully.

Focusing on Your Existing Customer Base

Expanding your operation is about taking advantage of new areas but you can’t neglect the customer that’s got you to where you are today. At this point, it would be beneficial to perform a market segmentation analysis. This will help you to identify areas of your customer base that are more likely to purchase again so you can market directly to them. There can be that temptation to ignore the existing customer base but this has what has got you to where you are today. By penetrating deeper into your current customer base you may very well be able to find a whole new approach to marketing your current products.

Hiring the Right Type of Employee

If you’re expanding into another location that’s nowhere near your current base you’ve got to give consideration to the various factors that will impact your ability to hire the right people there. The right type of employee is always hard to find but when you are going further afield, or even overseas, you will have to think about the competitive market value in terms of wages but also think about the cultural differences. So many people outsource because they think it’s cheaper but due to various attitudes to working life or different cultural observations or holidays, this could impact your operation in other ways.