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5 Ways to Encourage People Into Your Retail Store Post-Pandemic

Getting back to business after harsh pandemic restrictions is a conflicting time for business owners. This is especially true if you’re reopening after a hiatus or a long period of reduced services. On the one hand, it’s exciting to regain some normalcy, but it also requires extra work to do so safely and to gauge your customers’ post-pandemic needs.

To help you bring customers back into your store, here are five things you can try.

#1: “Welcome Back” Gifts and Giveaways

Who doesn’t love receiving gifts? Your customers, staff, and clients will appreciate branded promotional products gifted to them during your reopening or re-launch. You can send out these presents in the mail in advance of the big day to help people remember that you’re reopening, or offer them in-store as an add-on to purchases or as giveaways to draw in passersby. Attach your brand name or logo to it, and it’s free advertising!

#2: Transparent Health and Safety Implements

Obviously, reopening involves making adjustments to your operations and following any relevant OH&S and COVID-19 regulations. Making your efforts as visible as possible to your clientele can be a great way to make passersby feel more comfortable and willing to come in for a browse. However, some of the general public may still be a bit slower in returning to retail shopping.

You can make your focus on safety clear to your clientele by publishing a note in your newsletter and displaying signs at your store entrance detailing your COVID-Safe policy and capacity limits (if relevant). Consider offering hand sanitizer and free masks to anyone in need.

#3: A Welcome Back Sale

If you have accumulated old stock over the past year or simply want to create a buzz to encourage new business, nothing beats a good sale. People are looking for bargains now more than ever, so a “Welcome Back” or “Post-Pandemic” special is likely to be received well. To re-engage with your long-term customers, you could host an exclusive member sale or offer them further discounts.

#4: Beautiful New Window Displays

Window displays are a tried and tested form of marketing that are cheap to do yet very rewarding. What better way to entice passersby and welcome back returning customers than by greeting them with a gorgeous window display? If you are new to creating window displays, keep the following pointers in mind:

  • Be conscious of changing lighting and reflections over the day.
  • Consider the customer’s perspective – avoid back-to-front writing!
  • Keep decorations and festive design themes cohesive.
  • Use promotional products if they fit in.

Most important of all – have fun with it!

#5: Engage With Customers on Social Media

Keep your website and all your social media platforms up to date. If you are now going back to offering full services, make sure it is reflected in your online presence. Don’t be afraid to make a bold announcement that your business is back in action – this is an exciting update after all!

If you have implemented any of the above points, you can post about it on your socials too. People have grown used to engaging with businesses online over the last year, so it makes sense to use this platform to your advantage in re-engaging with your customers.

At the end of the day, your customers are the heart of your business, so be sure to celebrate every newcomer with a warm welcome. You are working hard, and it is not going unnoticed.