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7 Ways to Improve Your Hiring Strategy in 2020

How does your hiring strategy look for 2020? This is a strategy you should look at regularly to ensure you’re doing everything right. These days, it isn’t just about bringing people in, interviewing them, and sending them on their way. You need to carefully construct a strategy to ensure they are engaged from the outset – sometimes, even before you have a position available!

This is called ‘recruiter marketing’ and is a good way to ensure top talent will consider you as their next place of work. Below, you can find 7 more ways to improve your hiring strategy this year:

Get Your Team Involved

Get your team involved with the hiring process. See who has a natural rapport with them and who they think would suit both the role and the culture. Let them know that their opinion matters, too.

Be Very Specific About What It Is You Want

Don’t start interviewing and just hope you like somebody that comes in. Be specific about what you want. If you’re vague and wishy washy, it’s too easy to make the wrong hire, only to realize this much later when it’s too late. This will end up costing you even more in time and money.

Know what’s important for the new role, but also know what can be taught on the job or may not be essential. Be specific, but don’t be silly.

Use Technology to Help You

Technology is now available that can help to ensure you hire top talent, and keep them with you for as long as possible. Using technology like applya Occupational Strategies could completely overhaul your hiring process and help you to get the very best people in.

Make Sure You Have a Fantastic Onboarding Process

Onboarding is the process you have in place once you have hired – it’s basically all about introducing your new hire to the culture and getting them settled in. Their experience here is so important, so make sure you’re doing everything you can to make it an enjoyable experience that makes the best impression.

Aim for Top Talent

If you want top talent, you’re going to need to offer awesome bonuses and more money. You need to be competitive. Offering more money to get a more qualified person in will work wonders for your business.

Ask for Recommendations in House

Perhaps your team members have people in mind for the new position – ask them. There are many studies to back the effectiveness of this up.

Focus on the Overall Candidate Experience

Even if the potential candidate does not turn out to be suitable for this role, you may have an opening in the future you would like to consider them for. For this reason, you need to make sure that they are treated well from the first communication, whether that’s an email or phone call. All of this goes towards making an impression and can make them want to work for you in the future or run for the hills.