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What to Do when You’re Ready to Move on Up

Owning your own place is something really special. It’s one of those things, like having a great car and starting a family, that we often just expect to do. You graduate college, you get married, you buy a house. It’s all part of the package. But that doesn’t mean that we should undermine how great it is to actually own your own house. Whether you’ve just bought your first place or you’ve been into property flipping for a while, it’s safe to say that at some point you’re going to want to move onto something bigger and better. But it’s not always an easy move to make. So when you are looking to move on up that property ladder, here’s what you need to know.

Get an Expert Opinion

The first thing you need to do is relatively simple. It’s important that you’re able to speak to a realtor about your options. Because when it comes to selling real estate, they have more details on how you can make this work for you. Speak to a professional that you trust and find out what your current property is worth. Look into ways that you can maximize that and then also talk through the next steps with them too, just so you know where you are.

Add Value

When you have had your discussion and you have some pointers on what you can do to maximize the value, you then need to think about implementing those steps. From a simple spruce to extending and more, make sure that you spend as little as possible so that you can still maximize the profit you’ll make to go towards the new place.

Shop Around

Next, you’re going to want to see what’s on the market. Because you need to be realistic about what you can afford to purchase next. See what’s currently available and what kind of costs you’ll be looking at. Then, you can start to work out the money side of things.

Think about the Finances

From here, you’re going to want to make sure that you know where you are financially. Yes, you’re looking to add value and hopefully make some money on your property, but you can’t always rely on that when you’re looking to move on up. A bigger or more prestigious property is going to require more money. Look into your mortgage options and see if you can secure what you need at the right rate. But also be prepared to put some savings in place too.

Factor in Renovations

And finally, you’re also going to want to weigh up the options of buying a place and flipping it, or getting what you want already done. Renovations can be a lot of work, but if you’ve already put the work in on your house right now, you can do it again. Or maybe you want a break? Just make sure that you’re considering all of the options before you make a final decision on where you’re going to go with this.